About Us

Disruption Research's mission is to enable more people in the world to participate in the wealth created by disruptive innovation .

The mission will be achieved in three ways:

Democratize access to high quality investment research

There is an enormous amount of investment research being produced by Wall Street firms. However, access is expensive - funds typically pay millions of dollars per year in trading commissions for the privilege. Alternatives are highly limited. The quality of most online investment research and newsletters today simply don’t measure up. We provide a solution by offering high quality investment research on the most innovative and disruptive companies in the world for free . What makes this possible is focus. For now, the firm will cover only a select group of spectacular public companies, and cover them well.

Help the public discern the truth from the noise

By their very nature, disruptive innovators are challenging large vested interests. They also accomplish seemingly impossible things, which tends to attract skeptics. These factors lead to a great deal of misinformation campaigns and polarization in mainstream media (e.g. Tesla). This makes it nearly impossible for less experienced investors to discern the truth from the noise and more difficult to have staying power in their investments. We seek to solve this problem by putting things into context and clarifying issues whenever there is materially misleading media coverage . In addition, we will not have any ads on our website (as ad-driven business models tend to incentivize the production of clickbait content) so that we are structurally aligned with this goal.

Grow the pie by promoting long-term decision making

The proliferation of investment funds that are structurally focused on short-term profits has put undue pressure on companies to maximize short-term performance. This often comes at the expense of optimal long-term value creation. We seek to improve this situation by encouraging readers and the media to focus on the bigger picture, and commending management teams' actions that prioritize long-term value creation over short-term results . With the help of like-minded market participants and by leveraging the power of the internet, we believe it is possible to make a difference and to thereby grow the pie for all investors.

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